Write a Killer Scholarship Essay!

in the end

Writing a winning scholarship essay seems like a daunting task. Don’t let this stop you from applying for some lucrative scholarships.

Here’s the top 10 tips for applying for scholarships.

1. If you have a choice of topicswrite about something you are interested in and passionate about. Use your essay to show your passions.

2. Write an interesting, intriguing and compelling essay, make sure it will stand out to scholarship readers. Talk about your passion and be sure to tell the readers how you plan to change the world with your education.

3. Address obstacles you have faced and how you’ve overcome adversity. Use specific examples.

4. Sell yourself to the scholarship committee, talk about your strengths, awards, achievements, what you have accomplished that you are proud of.  Tell them why they should give you money, and what makes you unique.

5. Be authentic, write in your own voice, style and language. Use words you would use for an English class essay.

6. Proofread, spell check, look at sentence and paragraph organization. Have someone you trust proofread your essay.

7. Tell the readers why you will stay in college and graduate. With money tight, scholarship committees want to be sure they are using their money correctly and not spending it on someone who will drop out in a year, thus wasting their money.

8. Address what you have in place to deal the stress of college life? Also, talk about your support system.

9. Make sure to answer every question. Be consistent with all answers, use your legal full name, address, email in all identifying information, be sure at least your full name is on every page of the application. Type your responses and be sure to review the organization of the materials required.

10. Check to make sure you haven’t missed something the application is requesting.  Incomplete scholarship applications may not get read and will simply be tossed in the trash. Don’t let that happen to your application, if you do the work, you want to earn the money.

What is the biggest obstacle you faced when applying for scholarships? What’s your best advise for other students?

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3 thoughts on “Write a Killer Scholarship Essay!

    • Thank you Lesly! I am passionate about sharing everything I know about Higher Education. I love to help people reach their academic goals. Scholarships can be a deciding factor of whether or not to pursue a degree, my wish would be that finances are not an obstacle in anyone’s educational ambitions!

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